Tide Eyed Eris

This is a poetry blog, plain and simple. I will publish poems here that I have written, and those of others if I think they are good. If you have poems please email me through my profile. If you do, also leave a comment that let's me know that you have. I will post at least once every weekend, and perhaps at other times if the mood strikes.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

In the afternoon

I' m not one for mushy Christmas poems and such, but since this is the Eve I am posting a poem that I believe captures some of the spirit. When I think about Christmas the greatest feeling I think it conveys is that of peace. So here is a poem about peace. Take it for what you will.

In the Afternoon

Some cycle forgotten, words and meanings misplaced
The toxic air invades from all over land,
Comes funneling in through mountain passes on wires of cable,
From satellites orbiting the Earth
The people before, stumble and briefly falter,
Knowing terrible things are yet to come
Wars and rumors of wars,
Are raging in firelight on the morning dawn
Conquering peoples and imperial might,
Flexing muscles of incredible power

But, peace stirs also in the autumn breeze,
As alder leaves fall,
And birds call along the shady creek
It is a restless peace,
One bound in tiny spaces,
Wishing, pushing, yearning to be released
This is the peace of Hu-man and Wu-man,
The peace of dreams and sleep,
The blood courses that feed each cell of death and life
The kind that holds the overstructure entwined
It is the peace of plants and vines that top crumbled order,
Civilizations savagery,
And bring new to what has fallen, Breath

Wind chimes sound,
Some questions arise in the lazy afternoon,
About wanderlust and creativity
The restless soul finds a restless peace
The ever-vigil kept at night through dream power,
Watching the world with psychic eye,
Third eye, bearded eye, cradled eye
A banner of smoke, a blazing universe,
Fertile with life
Ever present the sunfolk, treelight and garden,
The greenhouse of seedling souls
Buried in earth misunderstood,
Deep caverns hold ancestor arks of entombed nature
Beleaguered creatures and estranged shrines
Capering winds in fire swept plains, taken to dying,
And taken to new life

It is time to hibernate and dream boldly
Of peace
It is time to dwell in the belly
Of peace
It is time to unravel the thread
Of peace
It is time to move the word
Of peace
It is time to speak the truth
Of peace
It is time to sow the seed
Of peace
It is time to be peace
It is time to know peace
It is time to hold peace
and love peace
Because I am peace, and you are peace
And peace
And peace
And peace


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